Pastor Profile

Pastor M. Nathaniel Anderson was born and raised in West Baltimore to the parents of Charles and Ella Mae Anderson. He received his formal education at Baltimore City College and proceeded to extend his education at the University of Maryland Eastern Shore (UMES) where he became a member of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity. He completed his studies at Coppin State College majoring in Psychology and minoring in Management Science. Pastor Anderson has earned a Bachelor’s degree in Theology and a Master’s degree in religious education, both from Eastern Theological Seminary.
He began his ministry as an Evangelist at the Holy Temple Deliverance Church where he served for 10 years under the leadership of the late Apostle Julia Williams. He was licensed as a Minister in 1994 at New Shiloh Baptist Church and later ordained in January 2001, under the pastoral ship of the late Dr. Harold A. Carter, Senior. Pastor Anderson served as Dr. Carter’s adjutant for five years.
On October 6, 2002, God led Pastor Anderson to organize and Pastor Power of Christ Full Gospel Ministries, after touching so many lives through his evangelistic work. The First Sunday Worship Service was held at Mary E. Rodman Recreation Center. In 2003, Pastor Anderson became an ordained member of the Praise Covenant Interdenominational Fellowship (PCIF) under the leadership of Bishop Heber M. Brown, Jr. Presiding Prelate. Through his faithfulness to God and to the PCIF fellowship, Bishop Brown and the Executive Board was led to elevate Pastor Anderson to the office of District Overseer for Baltimore City and Baltimore County in 2007.
After three years and three months of worshiping at Mary E. Rodman Recreation Center, Power of Christ Ministries moved to 2518 Frederick Ave. in April 2006. After 10 years at this location, God led Power of Christ Ministries to move to 201 North Bend Road (school auditorium) in March 2016. Currently, Power of Christ Ministries have relocated to 1219 Delmont Road, Severn Maryland.
Pastor Anderson received his (Overseer) Certificate of Completion and 2008 from the Joint College of Bishops Congress at Beulah Heights University in Episcopacy and Leadership Studies.
In 2011, Powell of Christ Ministries was led to change fellowship to Abundant Harvest Fellowship of Churches (AHFOC) under the leadership of Bishop David G. Evans. Pastor Anderson was appointed District Overseer for the State of Maryland in 2014. He received a Certificate of Completion in Strategies for Success National Community Development Training under the AHFOC in 2014. Bishop Evans appointed Pastor Anderson as Co-Chair of the AHFOC Advisory Board in 2015.
In 2012 Power of Christ Ministries started its morning radio program on Heaven 600 at 6:00 AM every Sunday morning which ended in 2018.
In 2015, Pastor Anderson received a Certificate for Healing Communities Justice with Mercy from the Philadelphia Leadership Foundation created via the Annie E. Casey Foundation he also received his Certificate of Completion in Episcopal Studies (Bishopric) from the Graduate School of Episcopal Studies, Raleigh, North Carolina. 2015 was the year Pastor Anderson committed and dedicated himself to start walking in the faith of Jesus Christ. The Faith Revolution was Birth!
In 2016, Pastor Anderson ran in the 2016 elections for the 9th District City Council seat of Baltimore City. Pastor Anderson received 6% of the votes for a third-place finish.
In 2018 Power of Christ Ministries started airing on Baltimore City Public Access Programing, Power for Today which ended March 2021. What a run!
In 2018, Pastor Anderson became a Facilitator and Volunteer Chapman at Keswick Community Health in Baltimore, Maryland. He also began matriculating at Newburgh Theological Seminary in Newburgh, Indiana as a candidate for his PhD degree in Missions, Evangelism, and Church Growth.
In 2020 Pastor Anderson completed his studies at Newburgh Theological Seminary. In December 2020, Dr. Anderson received his PhD in Philosophy.
In February 2021, Dr. Anderson became a first-time author of his book, The Faith We Proclaim in the Postmodern Age.
“Come See The Power Show Up in You “